Segmenting the SSAM cell type map

While we demonstrate the accuracy of SSAM in reconstructing celltype maps, we understand that many applications in biology require cell segmentation. As such, the development branch of SSAM supports segmentation of the celltype map using the watershed algorithm.

This is an experimental feature!

The segmentation of the cell type map can be performed by:

# Load DAPI image
with open('zenodo/osmFISH/raw_data/im_nuc_small.pickle', 'rb') as f:
    dapi = pickle.load(f)
dapi_small = np.hstack([dapi.T[:1640], np.zeros([1640, 12])]).reshape(ds.vf_norm.shape)

# Threshold DAPI image to create markers
dapi_threshold = filters.threshold_local(dapi_small[..., 0], 35, offset=-0.0002)
dapi_thresh_im = dapi_small[..., 0] > dapi_threshold
dapi_thresh_im = dapi_thresh_im.reshape(ds.vf_norm.shape).astype(np.uint8) * 255

# Run watershed segmentation of cell-type maps with DAPI as markers
# After running below, the segmentation data will be available as:
#  - Segmentations: ds.watershed_segmentations
#  - Cell-type map: ds.watershed_celltype_map

Below we demonstrate the application of the segmentation on the de novo celltype map generated for the mouse SSp osmFISH data.
