Creating the vector field

After the data has been loaded, SSAM converts the discrete mRNA locations into mRNA desntiy (that can be thought of as continuous “gene expression clouds” over the tissue) through application of Kernel Density Estimation.


With our SSAMDataset object ds we can now initialize a SSAMAnalysis object analysis.

analysis = ssam.SSAMAnalysis(
  ncores=10, # used for kde step

And calculate a mRNA density estimate with the run_kde method. Important considerations here are the kernel function and the kernel bandwidth. As default, we recommend using a Gaussian kernel with a bandwidth of 2.5:

analysis.run_kde(bandwidth=2.5, use_mmap=False)


If you want to perform the analysis on only a part of your sample you can use a mask. This can restrict what parts of the image are used for local maxima sampling (the input_mask), or restrict the cell-type map generation of SSAM to certain regions (the output_mask). While this is not required for analysis (infact the SSAM paper did not apply masks to the osmFISH or MERFISH dataset), here we define a simply polygon as both the input_mask and output_mask for the VISp region.

from matplotlib.path import Path
# manual area annotation
xy = np.array([[1535,  90],
               [ 795,  335],
               [ 135,  940],
               [ 835, 1995],
               [1465, 1695],
               [2010, 1215]])

# Extract coordinates from SSAMDataset
x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(ds.vf.shape[0]), np.arange(ds.vf.shape[1]))
x, y = x.flatten(), y.flatten()
points = np.vstack((x,y)).T

path = Path(xy)
input_mask = path.contains_points(points)
input_mask = input_mask.reshape((ds.vf.shape[1], ds.vf.shape[0], 1)).swapaxes(0, 1)
output_mask = input_mask

We recommend a visual inspection of the mask to make sure it alignes with the data as you expect it to:

from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection

patch = Polygon(xy, True)
p = PatchCollection([patch], alpha=0.4)

plt.figure(figsize=[5, 5])
ds.plot_l1norm(rotate=1, cmap="Greys")
plot of the mRNA density superimposed with the mask

plot of the mRNA density superimposed with the mask

Local maxima search and normalization

In order to reduce the computational burden, we recommend downsampling the image. While random sampling can be performe, we strongly encourage downsampling via local maxima selection, followed by filtering based of individual and total gene expression.

The local maxima are used to (i) determine the variance stabilisation parameters for the image, and (ii) be used to determine clusters in de novo analysis. In this section, we will use the local maxima for variance stabilisation.

Here we apply the find_localmax function to find the local maxima of the mRNA density, using a per gene expression threshold of 0.027 and a total gene expression threshold of 0.2:

    min_norm=0.2, # the total gene expression threshold
    min_expression=0.027, # the per gene expression threshold


After the local maxima have been identified, they can be visualised. In cases when many local maxima orginate from outside the tissue area a k-NN density threshold can be used to filter “stray” local maxima, however in this example we use an input mask so it is not a problem.

plt.figure(figsize=[5, 5])
ds.plot_l1norm(cmap="Greys", rotate=1)
ds.plot_localmax(c="Blue", rotate=1, s=0.1)

patch = Polygon(xy, facecolor="black", edgecolor="red", linewidth=10, ls="-")
p = PatchCollection([patch], alpha=0.4)

scalebar = ScaleBar(1, 'um') # 1 pixel = 1um
plot found maxima superimposed with the mask

plot found maxima superimposed with the mask


Once the local maxima have been identified, we can use them for calculating the variance stabilisation parameters using sctransform. If you receive an error here, make sure that you have installed the R packages in the installation step

This part of the analysis ends with the normalization of the mRNA density and the local-maximum vectors.


Now we are rady to continue with mapping the cell types in guided or de novo mode.