Identifying tissue domains

Cells are organised into tissues and organs. Spatial gene expression not only allows the identification of cell types in situ, but also allows investigation of how these cells are organised.

SSAM facilitates the identification of “tissue domains”, which are regions in the tissue exhibiting similar local cell type composition. This is based on circular window sampling with a defined radius and step, which is then followed by agglomerative clustering.

Perform circular window sampling

The first step is to sample cell-type composition in circular sweeping windows. For this, the size of circular window (radius) and the step between each sampling (step) has to be defined. The units here are in um, which is also equivalent to pixels in this example. The following performs this sampling using a circular window of 100um, with 10um steps:

analysis.bin_celltypemaps(step=10, radius=100)

Clustering domain signatures

After performing the sampling, we continue with identifying domain signatures through clustering. This is based on agglomerative clustering to identify the initial clusters (n_clusters) of windows which include a minimum number of classified pixels (norm_thres), followed cluster merging when the correlation between clusters exceeds a threshold (merge_thres). The merging of clusters can be restricted to adjacent clusters (merge_remote=FALSE), or not restricted to spatial proximity (merge_remote=True)

analysis.find_domains(n_clusters=20, merge_remote=True, merge_thres=0.7, norm_thres=1500)

Visualizing identified domains

Once the domains have been indentified, they have to be visualised for evaluation.

from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
cmap_jet = plt.get_cmap('jet')
num_domains = np.max(ds.inferred_domains_cells) + 1

fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, num_domains, figsize=(4*num_domains, 4))
for domain_idx in range(num_domains):
    ax = axs[domain_idx]
    cmap = ListedColormap([cmap_jet(lbl_idx / num_domains) if domain_idx == lbl_idx else "#cccccc" for lbl_idx in range(num_domains)])
    ds.plot_domains(rotate=1, cmap=cmap)
side by side plot of all tissue domains

side by side plot of all tissue domains

Post-processing the identified domains

In certain cases, one may wish to exclude certain domains (excluded_domain_indices) as they may originate from tissue artifacts or contain no information. In our case the third domain (0 based index 2) seems to be an artifact and the fourth one contains no useful information. The First two domains are obviously part of the same layer and can therefore be merged.

Due to possible imaging artifacts such as tiling, some domains might be split. While it is still possible to tune the merge_thres in the clustering step, one can simply perform this as manual post processing. In the case above, there do not appear to be any domains that require merging.

Once the domains to be excluded or merged have been determined, they can be excluded and removed(!):

excluded_domain_indices = [2,3,7,10]
merged_domain_indices = [[0,1],[9,11]]
analysis.exclude_and_merge_domains(excluded_domain_indices, merged_domain_indices)

The final plot

The individual domains represent the established neocortex layering patterns found in the mouse brain. We can continue with assigning domain colours, names, and plotting all of the domains together.

plt.figure(figsize=[5, 5])
